It has been quite a while since I’ve posted anything on this website. Well, writing can be a rather slow process after all. This, while managing other aspects of life, particularly full-tome work. But I wanted to give some updates.
MYOPIA will eventually return. I am planning to do so by this summer, and I still have many ideas in mind for topics to write about. I am looking for ways to tie these into some smaller topics and perhaps even book reviews. I have no clue if people read the old topics, but analytics suggest the number of views on MYOPIA pages do keep climbing.
I hope to have news of fiction availability soon. I have also been working on some longer works, admittedly getting very absorbed in some topics. I’ve finished and polished some short stories, and I hope to find markets for those stories soon also.
Well, a big thank you to anyone who has had an interest in my writing or this website.