M.Y.O.P.I.A. # 39: VHS Tapes-An Obsolete Standard Which once had Absolute Dominance
VHS tapes were a staple of the 80s and 90s. Back in the age of photographic film, projectors in school, even rewinding our audio cassettes...
Writer/Home of MYOPIA
VHS tapes were a staple of the 80s and 90s. Back in the age of photographic film, projectors in school, even rewinding our audio cassettes...
I recently had a short story published in the Main Street Rag, (Fall 2024). I’ve been meaning to promote this issue for a while. I’m...
To read part one, click here. Last time I wrote about the history of animation in Japan and left off at the early 80s. This...
The Heimat Review publishes work focused around the idea of home, of centering, and of belonging. I’m happy to have a short creative nonfiction essay...
I’m very pleased to have a story published in the latest issue of Neo-Opsis. My story, “In the Shade,” is inspired by a love of...
I’m thrilled to have my story, “Visitor,” published in Dark Horses #8. The story is about a husband contending with a threat that seems to...
I’m very excited to share my story, “Doll,” is published in the Spring 2022 issue of Snarl: A Journal of Literature and Art (#3). The...
It has been quite a while since I’ve posted anything on this website. Well, writing can be a rather slow process after all. This, while...
I’m happy to announce I have a story titled, “Tethered,” in the Tales From the Dream Zone Anthology published by Flying Ketchup Press. This is...
Squirt guns have become a summertime staple. What better way to cool off than blasting friends and family in the face with a blast of water...usually. How old are squirt guns and how did they change technologically over the years? Find out in the newest MYOPIA.
I’m happy to have a story in titled, “Sealed” in Zizzle Literary #2. Zizzle is a bookazine that promotes literary fiction both kids and adults...
I have a short story published in the latest issue of a cool magazine called FLAPPERHOUSE. They feature exciting off-beat, clever, and thought provoking writing...