M.Y.O.P.I.A. #38: The Invasion of 90’s Anime Part 2: A Sequel to Saturday Morning Cartoons
To read part one, click here. Last time I wrote about the history of animation in Japan and left off at the early 80s. This...
Writer/Home of MYOPIA
My Yesteryear Opinionated and Probably Irrelevant Analysis
To read part one, click here. Last time I wrote about the history of animation in Japan and left off at the early 80s. This...
Anime is a mainstream form of entertainment throughout the world today. The word “anime” likely even evokes a distinguishable style of drawing, allegorical storytelling, or...
I was born in the early 80s. I loved the movies, the music, the optimism of the decade. I recently found myself curious about famous...
The reunion show has been part of the TV viewing experience since the 60s. In many ways, a reunion is an encore, a last hurrah...
Were I to ask you to name your favorite fantasy-genre hero, the answer might come easily. If not, there are many choices to contemplate: Frodo,...
By sheer volume alone, zombies have become popular culture’s dominant monster over the last few decades—of course there is admirable irony that the monster known...
Jazz musician by night, superhero by night also, and frequently during the day despite the name, this is my retrospective on the live-action superhero no one was clamoring to see on TV, but for comic-book fans in the 90s, this was about as good as it got. This is the not so aptly named Night Man.
The 1980s were a time of many pop-cultural shifts in the US. There was MTV, the proliferation of neon, movies aimed at youthful angst, even...
I’m a big fan of The Legend of Zelda. My first MYOPIA was about Zelda. I’ve always seen the series as being the pinnacle of...
As big a fascination as robots are in popular culture, as much as an absolute mainstay that they are in science-fiction, it may seem odd...
There is a slew of content on the internet about shopping malls closing, about the loss of what was once a societal staple of American...
Within oral and written records of early stories, supernatural creatures are abundant. Did people really believe in fairies in the forest, or that leprechauns could...